Five six one

Frankly, for me,
Nothing beats the joy of baking (esp with cute little sweethearts like the one above)
Friday Nights are my baking nights, and however tired i am i still will bake something up, and feeling of satisfactory after that..feels best!
Its like the whole week's tiredom and frustration just flows into my baking..but the end product is all out of love.
Haha ironic.
And then theres super loads of things i bake that my family probably dont really like cuz they are too sweet etc.
But the best part is when i share it with my friends and they liking it just make me smile.
Actually i dont know if they really like it or not, but it feels good to be able to share and give :)
Maybe i should live out to share what im able to make.
If i cant sell cookies because *ahem* then i can sell coookie dough!! :P lol
And i wanna try cakes but theres some issues haha.
Hm, beware everyone, i might start a business :P
So fun so fun so fun.
N i love afi, he sorta helped me bake altho some accidents happened ;x hehe
But it just annoys me that my baked stuff are not what i expect them to be. :(
Nvm shall try harder, n at least theyre all baked with love :)
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