hustleen :]

Sunday, November 7, 2010


today at Madrasah, i learned one new thing, maybe three.
Your life, you can change your fate.
But not your destiny.
Three steps.
1. Usaha
2. Doa
3. Tawwakal ( aint sure of spelling )
& i just thought, it makes sense.
Number 1, you have to put in effort in changing something, or in order to get what you want. Without effort, nothing will you gain.
Number 2, Doa. Always berdoa, the best way you calm yourself and let yourself realize things, and get closer to Him.
Number 3, Tawwakal. Serahkan your destiny to Him. Youve done your part, its time you let Him do His. Everything/Anything that happens, is His choice. If He permits, He will make it happen. If He doesnt, then He wont.
And you have to accept it.
Dont say that this is your fate.
You can make a change.
Especially to yourself.


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