hustleen :]

Monday, March 15, 2010

12-15 March 2010 > Kota Tinggi / Desaru

Shall we? ;D
12 - 15 March 2010 , Kota Tinggi & Desaru Trip
School was as per usual. Yes, cried when i was going back.
Homed, lastminute packings and at 425pm we were already on our way.
Took like an hour to hit Malaysia. ;D
I brought my hamburger pillow and they called it Burger Ramlin.
Hahahaha cool huh :B
Yeah we hardly stopped for any breaks so we reached Tok Pangat's hse in like two hours plus minus.
Reached, were hungry.
So hungry that in the car, we drove past this whole lot of Cows.
I straightaway went "EH ADER LEMBU!" then pause. Then "Mchm sedap!"
Then HottieE'zzati looked at me one kind.
So we were eating these crackers at the hse and then WakYah went "Angah ni suker panggil orang Pari."
& i went "Pari? Ikan Pari?"
& she was like "Ikan Pari? Tu maseh baik. Pariah!"
Yeah then there was this once Nyai all were talking bout some stuffs then we heard the word Jenazah and Rasyidin & Rafi went "Jenazah in pajamas~" hahaha they sang the song somemore.
So yeah, ate fucking good food;

Camwhored with HottiE'zzati ;

And then watched a little bit of teevee and slept ;D

2nd Day ; up a little late. Left Tok Pangat's hse and headed for Desaru ;D We had like an hour plus minus of empty roads and just fallen or coconut trees around us.

Reached Desaru Damai Hotel ;D There were angklungs, gongs and pianos and stuffs at the lobby/lounge ;D

From the balcony ;


In a frame;

3D effect hahaha ;

Mkay gambar ni sesat, supposed to be at the bbq. Rifqi's hand sibok :B Im with the guitar heheh.

There was a teevee! & we couldnt change the channel to whatever we liked HAHA.

Ladybugs out of Kualis.

Lunch, we had the whole restaurant to ourself. I found out that my aunt's mum is the owner of the hotel. Surprise surprise! Yeah they made us lunch. The drink tastes like agaragar. There were Nasi Goreng. I ate twice :B Yup.

With Aidie;

Mum , Lin , HottiE'zzati


Agaragar green tastyyyyyyyy


Papa was showing her magic tricks; CHUZZLE!

Yeah after lunch, at 4pm, we went for the Sukadika ;D Games were Find & Click, Romantic Paper, Telur Penyu, Dice Race & WaterBomb. Find & Click, the Saids were damn enthu HAHAHA. We opened up the clue paper and it was like a wall of words. We went like "PANJANG NYER~!" Ran around. At one point Rasyidin grabbed our paper and we had to run after them. Hahaha. Yeah Romantic Paper, paired up with HottiE'zzati. We went around and disturbed everyone HAHAHHA. Telur Penyu, we had to find these pingpong balls in the sand. I began digging and then saw a white pingpong ball. I turned to HottiE'zzati and went "Eh is that supposed to be the telur penyu?" and she was like "YAAAAAAA!" thn she grabbed it. Hahaha i thought it was like real penyu eggs sia. For the Dice Race, we had a gd strategy but no luck. :/ Water Bomb, we had to throw the waterbomb to each other and whoever bursts it is out. Everytime i throw it towards HottiE'zzati or when i have to catch it, ill screaaam ttm. HAHAHA. So yeah we didnt win anything luhs ): But yeah, was fuckingly fun! ;D Went swimming after that. After swimming we went back up. I went into WakYah's room, grabbed my brownies box and Rafi went "walaoooo!"

Corals on a bottle;

Oh yeah, i camwhored before going off HAHA.

The guys flew kites.

The swing haha

Ausi building sandcastles ;D

I love this photo. D3K was on timer. Part of the missions in Find & Click ;D




The Telur Penyus.

At around 8pm we went for the bbq. Look at the lights, pretty right! Reached the Sunrise tent thingy and got our cups. Had our names on it. Mine had a strikeout-ed Zaza then Amalina. Yeah it was pretty fun but hair was in sucha bad mood. Ahh ~ :/ Made Abg/Unc Wan bring down the guitars. One by one went up from 1030 onwards. E'zzati, Didi, Rafi, Aidie & I stayed there. Along with this boy called Rifqi. He was damn cute and like uhs funny. Friendly also. Primary two only hahaha! At 1230am we headed back. But then Abg/Unc Wan suggested going over to the Karaoke room or wtv hahhaa! So we went. He sang ttm siahxz, seriously. HAHHA. E'zzati & I sang Episod Cinta & Joget Lambak. Papa sang something by Alleycat with WakLan also ;D Papa can sing ehs! :B At 130 we went back to our rooms. Papa went "Eh, gambar tkde kan?" & i was like "Yah, battery dh habes why?" Papa went "Kay dont say anything psl Karaoke ehs ;D" but then when we woke up i heard Papa tell Mama "Ma, semalam Papa Karaoke" and Mama was like "Haaaaa?!" hahahah damn damn cute.

We played concentration and stuff. Funniness. ;D

What we won (;

L, "Eh you look like ____ in this picture." R, "Maner?" L, "This." R, "____ ____, dia suker ____, yang pendek. Berdiri sebelah sampai sini (shoulder) je." L, "Tapi ____ lagi hansum ;D"



3rd day; breakfast. While waiting for checkout UncleBapakLukman went "Eh ni semalam rocker niari aper ni?" And i was like "Niari kena mchm sopan ckit mchm you know~" and then was like oh hahaha! Iman got milk. I was like "eh how come you get milk?" & he said "cos im short." hahhaa! Went back to Tok Pangat's hse. They had lunch there. Fucking gd food again ;D Rifqi follows me wherever i go. He loves D3K i think ;D Went to Kota and everything. Tired, really very tired. Reached back at around nine. Rafi went "Kau mchm tk bermaya je aidie, aru nk ajak ton." Hahahah. I asked for Rasyidin tea like "Dok, air satu." cos he asked me for water like that earlier in the day. Hhahaa. Watched Adnan Sempit, slept ;D

Uncle Azmi entered the Girls' toilet hahahah!

Rifqi & Lin ;D

Got a flat tyre otw to KipMart. Freaking freaked me out ttm.

Notice the bra strap?

I like guys who wear these typpa jeans and these typpa shoes. HAHA ;D

4th day (ahh finally i get to this day im so tired of typing already) got up got ready and zoomed off to KipMart. Went to walk around for awhile. After that drove all the way to R&R. Got kfc's mac&cheese. Hmm not bad lah ;D Here was when i fucking cried cos so many cats came at once to my table and i got really freaked out. It was like the first time in i dont know how many years that i cried cos of cats. I dont like catsssssssssss!!!!! Texted Atiqa, shes been missing me HAHA. (; Atiqa asked me to meet her when im back. I asked mama "Ma, later Papa send me to Amk Mac can? I meet Atiqa." & Mama went "No need lah besok kan jumpe blahblahblah" I waited for her to finish. then i went "Haha. Just trying my luck." Then she laughed lol. E'zzati said her SyrupLemon had too much Lemooooooon hahahah! Kay this one funny. Yah reached home at around 3+.

Overall, it was a pretty fun trip ;D Doesnt really matter where you go to me, what really matters is who you go with. I went with a bunch of fawesome people so i had a fawesome great time. Encore okay? I love you guys ttm.



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