hustleen :]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


i look trannified, but whatever.
i really feel like going out but my self-confidence is crashing. i mean i want to go out and when plans are done i dont feel like going out anymore. i worry so much bout this and that. what matters and what doesnt. who are those im going out with. how should i dress when im going out with this person or that. im not being who im supposed to be. Did i grow up according to plan? Haiy. whats the matter Leen? i should be proud of how i am but everytime i look at other girls i cant help but to think they are just so pretty!!! maybe im just paranoid or something. i should just be loving myself for being who i am right? i dont have to be like anyone to be pretty right? and so what if im not pretty right? ahh damn it. i look at myself and nothing is ever enough. why do i have a life like this. why cant i be like other girls? oh wait, no. i dont want to be like other girls, no, ew. Ew ew ew. im better of myself. Yes. im pretty the way i am, if not outside then on the insides. Love yourself, Leen. Be confident. (:
i miss Baby, ystd we texted for long. i love Baby, i love how he understands me here and there. imma give him what i got for him when i meet him. He went to play soccer or something. Love Baby. :}
Nyai and the rest are coming back tmr. (Y) Miss them so so much, gonna hug and cry i think. Hehe xD
i want to go out with Atiqa/William baaaaaaaadly. ): i miss them two much. Faster go out ah~ lol.
& MD outing also, i cant wait sia. i want go for picnic at Marina Barrage. or hweva its spelled. oh cmoooon~! *winks*
okay i think i typed enough.
Bye, love you guys. (;


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