hustleen :]

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Best few Obor pix.

Obor is just awesomely fantasticlely superb. Made lotsa new friends. They are just the lurve. They are soo hoooot. I cant believe i dreaded it before. Now, i want it back again. I swear, the new friends there are just fuckingly awesome. We didnt win anything, but we surely had lotsa fun. It was held for 3 days, 830am to 5pm. i will miss the early-morning wakeups, the squeezy trainrides, the "yummy" breakfastlunchteatime, the awesome "trainers", the awkward moments, the fun laughing sessions, the random camwhoring and etc. i just lurve everything, im glad i fucking went. (: Full update when im back from KL.
ok will be off to KL for three days. all i have to do is buy a fucking awesome bag and ill be what you want me to be. I cant wait for Subway. Should i do my hair at KL? hmmm.
sabar mengatasi cabaran, Leen.
okay bye. ♥


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