hustleen :]

Sunday, October 18, 2009


hi i am gonna tell you bout my fuckingly awesome weekend. (:

Saturday 171009:

So Saturday afternoon headed to Sembawang. Keshini's house for Deeeeeeepavali (: reached, met her and walked around Sun Plaza. & thn met up w Seema and headed for K's hse. reached, greeted her parents and all and headed to her room. chose the green Punjabi [dk hw to spell] suit and borrowed some accessories. (: watched Ghajini. at around 7+- we had dinner. watched Ghajini till the end, fucking awesome show laa haha! & Amir Khan or something is smokin. and then sat in her room, looked at some pix, talked to her aunt and then more relatives came and we played Sparklers and all and then i left for home. oh yeah i disturbed K's brother, Sharan, alot. =P reached home around 10. dropped into bed, texted William bby halfway, fell asleep. at around 150am i woke back up and texted bby. then he replied, then we continued texting until like 4am. he wanted to sleep so i did too. oh yeah, mosquito attack at that time, fucking irritating i tell you. i hide under my blanket still itchy sia. so gyeahs texting bby helped me get my mind away from the itchyness. thank you bby ^^
Sunday 181009:

What do you think bout them above pictures?
that is Kamal Adli aka DK. (:
okay woke up at around 11, watched Why Didnt I Think Of That Too at 1130 then played com at 12 till 1pm. then showered and went to get ready. Nebs lent me a top for the show. met peeps at around 2pm @ coffeeshop infront of da school. waited and waited then boarded bus to go to Esplanade. we were gna watch Impak Maksima! :D reached Esplanade walked to the Theatre went inside and we got the FRONT SEAT. as in first row, hahaha. we could see the band. the show started off pretty awesome w dances and all. it was kinda messy but, okay lah. (: the show went off and then i saw Kamal Adli aka DK. hahaha fucking awesome, i tell you. idw tell you how the story goes. anyway, when the show ended Nebs and i were screaming like fuck, haha we treated it like a concert or something, clapped and screamed all the way. Gawdddddddd! & when we were leaving Nebs went like, "great job guys!" to the band and one of them was like "hey!" then they said bye and i said bye back. we went outta the Theatre and saw this Autograph stuff. Nebs had the booklet, i didnt. so Syamim and i wanted to meet them as well, so we went all the way to take the booklets and came back and qued. only Nebs, Syamim and i were queing, the rest waited lol. so we took pix and got autographs and talked a lil. The Ika[Mardiana] said that me & Nebs' jackets were nice. haha then at Cat Farish, Nebs went "Wickett Wickett!" and he was like, "eh!" LOL. thn Mr Iszal asked if we could take a pix with the Producer, Ahmad Idham and we all did, and Cikgus talked to him and all. thn we proceeded to eat at LJS. then dont have so went to BK. ate and Nebs left for Kembangan. otw to BK, saw Gido Hafiz James Atiqah Aisyah. first i saw James and i was like, "eh, tu James eh?" then i called "James!" then Amirah called "James!" then he turned and smiled and waved. then Gido came and i was like "eh, tu Gido eh?" then we all went "Gido! Gido! Gido!" he didnt turn at all so we continued walking. then all of us said bye to Hafiz and James cuz we saw them at 711 there. alot of cheekopeks look at us one kind siah, fucking scary i tell you. afta eating we walked around, bought plaster. was feeling cold so i was like, "Amirah, can i hug you?" she was like, "Hug ah." then pause, then "Here?" and i was like, "hahaha no lah~ =.=" thn went to Esplanade Rooftop and camwhored. was feeling cold so i was like, "Ashiqin, can i hug you?" she was like, "okay ah, cancancan~" then pause, i just look at her, then "okay okay, i wait kay, i wait~" then i started laughing like fuck ah LOL. camwhored and then we left for trains. headed back home, reached at i forgot what time. texted William bby, and then went to bathe. Coincidentally he was bathing too, and i was like, hey high five! hahaa. texted Syamim and com till nw.
okay what a long post hahaha. oh well, hope you read it anyway, my best weekend ever, i reached home layte for two days in a row hahaha and the best thing is, tmr aint schooling yay! can sleep late and wake up late. ohhhh im just happy. (: babes, faster upload pix okay? weeeeeeee~! im off now, have a good holiday people! love you guys.

♥ DJsonic`ice .



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