hustleen :]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tueday 28.

todays oral was awesome!
todays dance was arm/leg - breaking!
Gawdd, saw Cikgu Wan, like duhh.
his hair's long.
plus straight.
nice siah, heh.

id like to go to 3E/3I next year.
shut the fuck up if you think i cant make it.
shut the fuck up if you think im like you.
shut the fuck up if you think so lowly of me.
i expect more from myself okey,
unlike you. =P

3E is almost e same as 3I , just that it has Art/D&T instead of triple Science.
hope i can make it. =D

oyeah, baby's so sweeet today.. ahah, life just rock!
for now, i guess..



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